Wednesday, March 19, 2008

EurotaxGlasses registers important growth in caravan market

Due to the good weather this summer, EurotaxGlasses are reporting now that the caravan market is experiencing a prosperous period. UK caravan retailers are taking different perspectives about their business as the summer has brought them a clear increase in sales in both new and used caravans.
In contradiction with previous forecasts this year, the hot and dry season that lasted from the beginning of the month July until the end of September caused an unexpected turn in the market caravan. Although the levels of production, sale in just two months: July and August total of 6, 771 units alone, which means an increase of 5.7% compared with sales of 2005.
As relating to the future, manufacturers predict that the demand will be stable at least until the end of this year. However, the outlook for the sector remains uncertain for next year, since much depends on weather conditions, as it did in this passing of the current year.
EurotaxGlasses comments on the subject that there will be a need for retailers to get Acomodados with the emergence of new caravans more competitively priced, as the future values used are likely to remain stable. This also means that the dealers will have to pay particular attention to the aspect of existing or non-existing price of a recognizable difference between the two markets.
Trying to explain this trend of the last caravan growing demand, Randal Thomas, Editor of Glass " S Guide to Caravan Values said: " Although the market has experienced a period of increased demand, manufacturers and retailers should be subject to a period of re-adjustment to take account of future structures, prices, margins, and consistent alignment market that will determine future values more in coming months. " jere roy

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